Semester start
Where should I go first?
If you are a first year student, first you are supposed to go to the Coordinating Centre for International Education, 4032 Debrecen Nagyerdei körút 98 to complete the paper-based registration and to get your Neptun-code (necessary for logging in to the students records system, called Neptun). This is how Neptun username and password can be created:
What am I supposed to do if I arrive late?
During the study period you can miss each course maximum three times. If you are unable to arrive until the end of week 3 in the study period due to visa problems, please get in touch with your administrator from the Coordinating Centre for International Education and from the faculty, as well.
I am unable to select active/passive student status on Neptun. I am unable to select courses on Neptun, either. What should I do?
There is a certain period of time when selecting student status and registering for courses is possible on Neptun. This information is available on Neptun under "Information", then "Periods". Selecting active student status is prior to registering for courses.
I cannot find a mandatory course on Neptun which is supposed to be open in the given term. To whom am I supposed to turn?
In this case please get in touch with your administrator from International Office, Faculty of Engineering in the subject registration period.
I cannot find an exam course in the list of courses available in the given term. With whom should I get in touch?
Please turn either to the course instructor or the administrative assisstant from the department.
I need a reference letter/ recommendation letter (for e.g. for MSc/PhD/job application). Whom should I get in touch with?
In this case the person from whom a reference letter you wish to request should directly be contacted.
I have been sick over a couple of days and missed tests. Whom should I turn to?
You are supposed to notify the course instructors about your sickness and show them a medical certificate (sick note).
I intend to transfer courses from my previous studies. How do I know that the courses completed match those offered by the Faculty of Engineering?
In this case you are supposed to compare our course descriptions with those from your previous studies. Course descriptions can be found on our faculty homepage under the particular training program.
I wish to have the expected end date of studies on Neptun extended. Whom should I contact?
In this case you are supposed to contact your adminstrative assistant from International Office, Faculty of Engineering.
Updated: 2019.11.25.
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