Honours and Prizes

Quality Prize for the Faculty of Engineering

The Faculty of Engineering, University of Debrecen was awarded with Higher Education Quality Prize in department category on the tender of Higher Education Quality Prize in year 2011.

Every year the Higher Education Quality Prize is granted to the performance of those Higher Education Institutes that apply the quality management system efficiently. As part of this the Faculty is implementing strategic quality improvements continuously and in accordance with the requirements of the European Quality Award the Faculty supports quality improvement based on self-assessment, monitors and evaluates the satisfaction of their partners on its services, applies peer learning and comparison based development and adapting successful solutions. Who the prize is awarded undertakes that his experience on the tender is going to be published at the website of the institute.

Six tenders were submitted on the fifth call for tenders in the academic year of 2010/2011 of which two were submitted by higher education institutes, four were submitted by departments of higher education institutes. Assessment of the tenders had several levels. The form of the self-assessment based proposals were checked first. This was followed by the content assessment for each tender that was evaluated by three experts separated from each other who then reached a joint opinion. The assessors had a visit at the premises at each tenderer’s. After this visit they submitted their suggestions to the Higher Education Quality Prize and the Committee of Quality Improvement. The Committee discussed the assessment of the proposals on 28th June 2011 then amended his proposal to the Minister for Natural Resources for approval. Accepting the proposal the Minister made the following decision:

‘In 2011 the Faculty of Engineering, University of Debrecen is going to be awarded with Higher Education Quality Prize in department category.’

Updated: 2019.06.05.

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