Pre-Masters Courses

In the process of applying for the masters program, the documents on the applicant’s bachelors studies are assessed by the department. In case the bachelors degree earned and the selected masters program are the same, the credit points earned in the bachelors program can fully be recognzied, hence there is no need for the applicant to study further so-called pre-masters courses (courses related to the selected masters program to build the gap between two different disciplines). For e.g. an applicant with a bachelors degree in Mechanical Engineering can complete his/her masters studies in Mechanical Engineering without having to study pre-masters courses.
In case the bachelors degree earned and the selected masters program are not the same, students have to study pre-masters courses (in the first two semesters of their studies). These 10-hour courses summarize the most essential knowledge related to the particular topic/field. Pre-masters courses are not included in the curriculum but students whose credit recognition form specifies the completion of pre-masters courses have to complete them as an award requirement. In case a student with a bachelors degree in Mechanical Engineering applies for Mechatronical Engineering MSc, he/she is supposed to complete (apart from the courses involved in the curriculum) four pre-masters courses (see below) in the first two semesters of his/her studies.
A scanned copy of the credit recognition form is sent out to the students via email by the Coordinating Centre for International Education (main campus). A copy can also be requested in room 123 (Faculty of Engineering).
The particular department is responsible for opening the pre-masters courses on Neptun. Students are supposed to register for them (just like other courses) at the beginning of the term in the subject registration period. Generally speaking pre-masters courses take place in block sessions either in the drawing week (also known as reporting week) or in the examination period. Course participants are informed about exact date and venue for the classes by the course instructor(s) via email/Neptun message.

Mechanical Engineering MSc               

  •     MK7ENMAG03XX17-EN Engineering Materials (10 hours, exam)
  •     MK7SMMEG03XX17-EN Sizing Methods and Machine Elements (10 hours, exam)
  •     MK7TSCDG03XX17-EN Technical Drawing and Computer-Aided Design (10 hours, exam)
  •     MK7MANTG03XX17-EN Manufacturing Technology (10 hours, exam)

Engineering Management MSc               

  •     MFBEF71M08-EN Basics of Economics (10 hours, exam)
  •     MFBOM71M08-EN Basics of Management (10 hours, exam)
  •     MFBAC71M08-EN Basics of Controlling and Accounting (10 hours, exam)

Mechatronical Engineering MSc               

  •     MFFUN31R04-EN Fundamentals of Mechatronics (10 hours, mid-semester grade)
  •     MFAPE31R04-EN Applied Electrotechnology (10 hours, mid-semester grade)
  •     MFAPM31R04-EN Applied Mechanical Systems (10 hours, mid-semester grade)
  •     MFITM31R04-EN Information Technology for Mechatronics (10 hours, mid-semester grade)

Environmental Engineering MSc 

Courses offered in semester 2:

  •     MK7EEP1K05KX19-EN Environmental Elements and Their Protection I (Water and Soil Protection): 5 credit points, mid-semester grade
  •     MK7EEP2K05KX19-EN Environmental Elements and Their Protection II (Air and Noise Protection, Waste Management): 5 credit points, mid-semester grade

Courses offered in semester 1:

  •     MK7AENVK05KX19-EN Analysis of Environment (Analytical Chemistry, Applied Biology and Environmental Analysis): 5 credit points, mid-semester grade
  •     MK7ETENK05KX19-EN Environmental Techniques and Energetics (Environmental Operations and Technologies, Energetics): 5 credit points, mid-semester grade

Urban Systems Engineering MSc 

  •     MK7WRPWS08XX19-EN Introduction to Water-Related Public Works, 8 credit points, exam grade
  •     MK7URDES08XX19-EN Introduction to Urban Design, 8 credit points, mid-semester grade
  •     MK7UTIPS08XX19-EN Introduction to Urban Transportation Infrastructure Planning, 8 credit points, exam grade
  •     MK7SUERS08XX19-EN Introduction to the Sustainable Use of Environmental Resource, 8 credit points, mid-semester grade



Updated: 2020.08.24.

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