Sometimes Hungarian terms for day and room are showing up even in the English version of Neptun.
Below a guide can be found.
Some abbreviations for the days of the week:
Hétfő (h): Monday
Kedd (k): Tuesday
Szerda (sze): Wednesday
Csütörtök (cs): Thursday
Péntek (p): Friday
Szombat (szo): Saturday
Vasárnap (v): Sunday
Classrooms, lecture halls, laboratories (as to be found on Neptun) in the Faculty of Engineering:
Faculty of Engineering is comprised of two separate buildings: Building A (main building with glass-fronted new wing) and Building B. Building B is located next to Building A.
Access to Building B: (1) either through Building A, reception, ground floor, a short walkway leads to Building B (through the car park) or (2) from Dembinszky street.
KOLL 1 and KOLL 2
These two classrooms (KOLL 1 and KOLL 2) are located on the tenth floor in the Borsos József dormitory next to the Faculty building (the 10 stock building with brick overlay).
Entrance: either from Virág utca or from the first floor of the faculty (there is a corridor connecting the faculty to the dormitory).
MK_DEM épület: or
The building is situated on Kassai Campus (Kassai út) in the vicinity of Campus Hotel and Super Computer Centre.
MK_U.0.01.előadó, MK_U.0.02.előadó, MK_U.0.03.előadó: lecture halls on the ground floor (Building A), előadó means lecture hall
MK_B.I.em.Schneider, MK_B.I.em.Mérés, MK_B.I.em.Hidraulika, MK_B.fsz.Robottech., MK_B.fsz.ELVIS, MK_B.fsz.Elektro: laboratories in Building B (fsz=ground floor, I.em.= first floor), B meaning Building B
MK_ACAD.számítógéplabor: ACAD computer laboratory on the third floor (Building A)
MK_Fsz.8.tanterem: classroom on the ground floor, Building A, "fsz" stands for "földszint" which means "ground floor"
MK_E.0.12.labor.SKF: laboratory on the ground floor (initial 0 refers to ground floor), Building A
MK_106/B.tanterem: classroom on the first floor (initial 1 refers to first floor), Building A
MK_222.előadó: lecture hall on the second floor (initial 2 refers to second floor), Building A
MK_E.320.tanterem: classroom on the third floor (initial 3 refers to third floor), Building A, "tanterem" means "classroom"
MK_E.413.előadó: lecture hall on the fourth floor (initial 4 refers to fourth floor), Building A
Though some laboratories in Building A starting with number 2 are located on the second floor, still access to them is from the first floor (through a long corridor in the new wing of the building above lecture halls U.0.01, U.0.02 and U.0.03. The laboratories in question are the following: MK_U.2.07.labor.Légtechnika (Ventilation and Air-Conditioning Laboratory), MK_U.2.06.labor.Geotechnika (Geodetic Engineering Laboratory), MK_U.2.05.labor.Közmű (Water Resources Engineering Laboratory), MK_U.2.04.labor.BKM-IEQ
Code of the room | Typ of room | Building | Floor | Description |
MK_U.2.08.konz.terem | classroom | A | 2nd | Though some laboratories in Building A starting with number 2 are located on the second floor, still access to them is from the first floor (through a long corridor in the new wing of the building above lecture halls U.0.01, U.0.02 and U.0.03. |
MK_U.2.07.labor.Légtechnika | laboratory | A | 2nd | |
MK_U.2.06.labor.Geotechnika | laboratory | A | 2nd | |
MK_U.2.05.labor.Közmű | laboratory | A | 2nd | |
MK_U.2.04.labor.BKM-IEQ | laboratory | A | 2nd | |
MK_U.1.10.konz.terem | classroom | A | 1st | In the new wing of the building, above lecture halls U.0.01, U.0.02 and U.0.03. Access to them is (1) from the first floor (long corridor) or (2) right after the lecture halls in the new wing. |
MK_U.1.09.konz.terem | classroom | A | 1st | |
MK_U.1.08.konz.terem | classroom | A | 1st | |
MK_U.0.12.labor.Anyagvizsgáló | laboratory | A | ground floor | New wing of the building, to the right at the end of the corridor. |
MK_U.0.10.labor.Forgácsoló | laboratory | A | ground floor | |
MK_U.0.03.előadó | lecture hall | A | ground floor | New wing of the building. |
MK_U.0.02.előadó | lecture hall | A | ground floor | |
MK_U.0.01.előadó | lecture hall | A | ground floor | |
MK_KOLL2 | classroom | Dormitory | 10th | These two classrooms (KOLL 1 and KOLL 2) are located in the dormitory of the faculty (Borsos József Kollégium, Ótemető utca 2-4.) on the tenth floor. Entrance: either from Virág utca or from the first floor of the faculty (there is a corridor connecting the faculty to the dormitory). |
MK_KOLL1 | classroom | Dormitory | 10th | |
MK_K8.labor.Idegen nyelvi | language lab | A | 1st | In the corridor which connects the faculty to the dormitory. |
MK_Fsz.9.tanterem | classroom | A | ground floor | |
MK_Fsz.8.tanterem | classroom | A | ground floor | |
MK_Fsz.1.tanterem | classroom | A | ground floor | |
MK_E.415.labor.Menedzsment 1 | classroom | A | 4th | |
MK_E.414.labor.Anyagtechnológiai | laboratory | A | 4th | |
MK_E.413.előadó | lecture hall | A | 4th | |
MK_E.323.labor.Gáz- tüzelés | laboratory | A | 3th | |
MK_E.322.labor.Fűtéstechnika | laboratory | A | 3th | |
MK_E.321.labor.Menedzsment 2 | classroom | A | 3th | |
MK_E.320.tanterem | classroom | A | 3th | |
MK_E.319.tanterem | classroom | A | 3th | |
MK_E.315.számítógéplabor | IT lab | A | 3th | |
MK_E.314.tanterem | classroom | A | 3th | |
MK_E.219.labor.Levegő- zajvédelmi | laboratory | A | 2nd | |
MK_E.218.labor.Vízminőség | laboratory | A | 2nd | |
MK_E.217.tanterem | classroom | A | 2nd | |
MK_E.216.tanterem | classroom | A | 2nd | |
MK_E.121.labor.Gépelemek | laboratory | A | 1st | |
MK_E.120.labor.Metallográfiai | laboratory | A | 1st | |
MK_E.119.labor.Geodézia | laboratory | A | 1st | |
MK_E.118.számítógéplabor | IT lab | A | 1st | |
MK_E.114.tanterem | classroom | A | 1st | |
MK_E.0.22.labor.Bosch | classroom | A | ground floor | |
MK_E.0.21.labor.Aventics.Pneumatika | classroom | A | ground floor | |
MK_E.0.20.labor.Medikai | classroom | A | ground floor | |
MK_E.0.18.labor.Mechanikai | laboratory | A | ground floor | |
MK_E.0.17.labor.Hegesztő | laboratory | A | ground floor | |
MK_E.0.12.labor.SKF | classroom | A | ground floor | |
MK_E.0.10.labor.TQM | classroom | A | ground floor | |
MK_B.I.em.Schneider | laboratory | B | 1st | |
MK_B.I.em.Mérés | laboratory | B | 1st | |
MK_B.I.em.Hidraulika | laboratory | B | 1st | |
MK_B.fsz.Robottech. | laboratory | B | ground floor | |
MK_B.fsz.ELVIS | laboratory | B | ground floor | |
MK_B.fsz.Elektro | laboratory | B | ground floor | |
MK_ACAD.számítógéplabor | IT lab | A | 3th | |
MK_408.tanterem.MSc.1 | classroom | A | 4th | |
MK_406.tanterem.MSc.2 | classroom | A | 4th | |
MK_405.rajzterem | classroom | A | 4th | |
MK_404.műterem.2 (Török) | classroom | A | 4th | |
MK_402.műterem.1 (Szentirmai) | classroom | A | 4th | |
MK_401.tanterem | classroom | A | 4th | |
MK_328.tanterem | classroom | A | 3th | |
MK_324.előadó | lecture hall | A | 3th | |
MK_227.tanterem | classroom | A | 2nd | |
MK_226.rajzterem | classroom | A | 2nd | |
MK_222.előadó | lecture hall | A | 2nd | |
MK_221.tanterem | classroom | A | 2nd | |
MK_106/B.tanterem | classroom | A | 1st |
Updated: 2021.09.08.
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