Guidelines for Conformity

Dear Students,

we are very pleased to welcome you all as students of the Faculty of Engineering at the University of Debrecen!
We wish you found good opportunities at the University of Debrecen and had such experiences that would determine your future. We would like to contribute to your conformity with these lines and some pieces of information so that you - having arrived from different countries and cultures - could get acclimated to our educational trainings and with the international students from more than one hundred foreign countries. 

  • In the frame of a mentor system our newcomers are assisted by upper-year students in cases like residence problems, season tickets for public transport, opening a bank account, requesting a local phone or internet, television service subscription, administration at the Immigration Office, introduction and use of Neptun Administration System for students. Students are informed about the contacts of our mentors in email messages (through NEPTUN System). See further information here:
  • Our students are provided with detailed information about the training programmes and study-related issues by the Faculty International Office in the framwork of the event, called Orientation Day which is held in the registration week. 
  • The International Office (Faculty of Engineering) provides office hours for the administration of course registration or the procedure of transferring previously completed courses, requesting certificates for students or Transcript of Records. Further details about the programmes and documents are available here.
  • Universities in Hungary correlated to other universities in Western Europe and Europe have different traditions and rules. They are summarized briefly below to promote your integration: 
  1. Lectures and seminars start on time.Therefore, students have to arrive before the starting time. Being late is impatient and instructors treat it as an absence or a student arrived late is not allowed to take part in class.
  2. Students may not disturb a lecture or a practical class with talking, they cannot leave the room during a class. 
  3. The use of a mobile phone and other electric tools or aids is not allowed on test writing. The use of them or cheating is a disciplinary offence, therefore an instructor can initiate disciplinary proceedings. 
  4. Students can not question an instructor’s decision or his/her instructions, get into an argument with him/her. Afterwards a student can initiate the investigation of the case and he/she can introduce his/her complaints and arguments.
  5. The behavioural standards for students and instructors are specified in the Code of Conduct, that can be downloaded from here:
  • The Faculty of Engineering initiates disciplinary proceedings against students who do not follow the behavioural standards as specified in Rules of Discipline and Restitution, see it here:
  • Students’ rights and obligations are ruled by Rules and Regulations of the University of Debrecen. See further information here:

We hope that your conformity will be part of a pleasant process with learning and accepting our traditions and rules and you will be a full member of the University of Debrecen.

Best regards

International Office 

Faculty of Engineering

Updated: 2018.04.18.

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